The Global Workforce of the Future Report is our third annual global workforce study that looks at workers’ perspectives on key topics that impact the future of work.
The findings will deliver insights to companies and leaders on the shifts they need to make in order to future-proof their business.
This year’s report features the rise of #Quitfluencers, the geopolitical uncertainty and presents the 3 areas companies need to focus on as an antidote to the wage inflation crisis, namely workers’ flexibility, career progression and mental health.
The Global Workforce of the Future report is the third iteration of this research. While Covid-19 is still prevalent globally, we retitled the report to account for many other factors that influence the pace of changes and shape the future of work.
Each year, the depth of the study and the number of people surveyed has grown. This year is no different. Importantly, the 2022 research surveyed both office-based and non-office-based workers to highlight any differences between desk workers and non-desk-based workers.
Over 30,000 people were surveyed globally, of which 15,000 were office-based and 15,000 were non-office-based.
The results provide insights into the attitudes of the current workforce and offers food for thought to help organisations future-proof their talents.