Pontoon officially launches remote onboarding product, Pontoon ON to the external market

Pontoon officially launches remote onboarding product, Pontoon ON to the external market

Last year Pontoon’s Tech Lab and Operational Excellence (OPEX) teams led a series of Collaboration Lab sessions with customers with the specific aim of finding a better, quicker, more efficient, and cost-effective way of enhancing the experience when onboarding talent across their programs. 

‘Pontoon On’ was created and internal clients have been seeing the benefits ever since.

Driven by Digital Process Automation (DPA) the solution automates several elements of the onboarding stages from ‘offer’ to a worker starting. Many of these processes historically have been manual and “hands-on” requiring in-person interaction which ultimately slowed down the process and had negative impacts on both the customer and candidate.

Tim Meehan, our VP and Global Head of Emerging Technologies, explains:

“This solution delivers a more positive experience for both the candidate and hiring manager. ‘Pontoon On’ speeds up the onboarding of a new employee with new starters beginning their assignment 1-2 days faster.  We have also seen a significant (23%) improvement in the quality of onboarding experience for the talent.”

While initially only available to existing customers, the product is now being extended to the external market in order to handle current demand. Upwards of 70% of Pontoon customers around the globe are currently reporting a slowdown in the cycle time of talent entering their organizations. The most common feedback from both customers and Pontoon’s core supplier base is around the challenges associated with onboarding as almost 100% of our customers and partners now have large parts of their business as a remote workforce and digital onboarding has been a sometimes forgotten part of the process as it was never as necessary as it is today. 

Our Global Head of Product, Jan Jacob explains further:

 “We are in unprecedented times. Our customers, now more than ever, are looking for solutions which ensure their organizations can continue to operate as efficiently as possible and position them as market leaders in the talent space.  Pontoon On is a solution that we see great potential in solving a very real problem that is universal at present. What started as a controlled pilot with two global customers has rapidly expanded in recent weeks with almost all customers asking for this solution to be accelerated into their business. Being able to onboard and start new talent as the remote workforce grows allows our customers to operate at the forefront of our new normal.”

For more information related to ‘Pontoon On’ and to discuss if this solution is right for your talent program, get in touch with us at info@pontoonsolutions.com. Pontoon is also offering an OPEX-led assessment of your current program in order to identify other products or solutions your business will require to maintain position in the future of talent.

For other product and service information with Pontoon visit our website: pontoonsolutions.com

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