Our Global Delivery Network: Reach Matters

What is the Global Delivery Network?

Our Global Delivery Network is the backbone of our service delivery model. Seamlessly integrated across our customer teams, our Hubs power the Pontoon eXperience with 24/7/365 global coverage.

Strategically located across the US, EMEA, and APAC we are able to provide an optimised blend of onshore, nearshore, and offshore service delivery models.

Our integrated, technology-enabled network grants us unparalleled ability to flex and scale across geographies and time zones.


Pontoon hubs are home to recruitment specialists across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC. Our people support over 30 countries worldwide, sourcing 1.3 million candidates and screening more than 550,000 job-seekers a year.

Flex, Scale, Ramp

We provide you with stability in an ever-changing market environment.

Our network and Hub technology powered by Pontoon Analytics allow us to rapidly adapt to change, flexing with your demand and priorities.

Full Service

We tailor our solutions to your specific needs.

Our Hubs provide a full suite of services from administrative support all the way to full service recruitment outsourcing.

Always on

Our Hub network never closes, we provide global reach and 24/7/365 coverage.

This ensures that we are always there for you and ahead of the curve to support.

Case Studies

Take a look at how we have partnered with our clients to create solutions for their contingent workforce.

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Case Studies
Case Studies
Case Studies