How we leveraged our Global Delivery Network for fast access to niche skills

How we leveraged our Global Delivery Network for fast access to niche skills


Team approach to sourcing, screening, and recruiting

Pontoon was asked to fill three open roles for an entirely new skill set and the new hires were required immediately. To meet our client’s expectations, we leveraged a unique collaboration between our programme team, Pontoon Direct experts, and Global Delivery Network (GDN) to customise a shared services approach to sourcing, screening, and recruiting talent. Through this collaboration, we extended three offers, resulting in two hires – all within just 13 days.

The challenge

An urgent request for an entirely new skill

Our client needed to hire Robotic Process Automation (RPA) analysts. Pontoon’s programme team sought support from our Pontoon Direct experts who source contingent talent directly using our clients’ esteemed brands. By proactively vetting quality candidates, they create employer-branded talent communities to be tapped immediately for new requisitions.

In this case, however, the skillset was entirely new, meaning we had no readily-available candidate pool to source from. The team had to design a sourcing strategy that would quickly produce quality niche candidates – and this is where our Global Delivery Network stepped in.

How we helped

Pontoon Direct and GDN team-up

The Pontoon Direct Team received a seven-day head-start to pipeline candidates before distributing the requisition to the supply chain. The team internalised the sourcing and screening capabilities from across our Global Delivery Network to enable a swift and successful hiring process.

The sourcing team used Indeed, LinkedIn, and ZipRecruiter postings, as well as data mining, to search for candidates. Within a timeframe of under two weeks, we successfully identified 42 highly qualified candidates. From this pool, we carefully selected and shortlisted 23 individuals for further screening. The selection was then swiftly narrowed down to six RPA Analysts, who were then screened and submitted for hiring manager review.


Accelerated sourcing, reduced time to offer

After the sourcing and screening process, accelerated by Pontoon’s Global Delivery Network, our team interviewed four highly qualified candidates. The client received three offers in just 13 business days, which eventually resulted in two hires, enabling fast access to niche skills.


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